Jonathan Dreyer

UCThesis For LyX

UCThesis for Lyx is a LyX layout and LaTeX class for creating thesis documents that fulfill the guidelines set forth by the Graduate Division at UC Berkeley.

2016-05-21 UCThesis For Lyx Version 2.4 is compatible with LyX 2.1.4


Download and Installation

PDF Installation Instructions
ZIP UCThesis for LyX v2.4


Previous Versions

Previous versions of UCThesis For Lyx can be downloaded here. The current revision list for v2.4 can be viewed here.


LyX Thesis Options

Four options can be set under the Document > Settings > Documents Settings panel. If not specified the thesis defaults are 12pt, single spaced, with chapter titles having a separate page, and the default bibliography style.

To change these settings:
-In the LyX menu go to "Document" > "Settings" -Select the "Document Class" tab
The following options can be entered in the "Class options" box
Font Size: 10pt, 11pt, or 12pt
Chapter Title: ChapterTitleNewPage or ChapterTitleSamePage
Line Spacing: SingleSpaced or DoubleSpaced
Bibliography style: LyXBibliographyStyle=[BibliographyStyle] where [BibliographyStyle] can be set as UCThesisBibStyle, nature, apalike, amsalpha,... or any other bibliographic style (.bst) file installed on the system. Examples of the styles available with most LaTeX installations can be downloaded here. See the readme for more information.


Frequently Asked Questions

The ~/Library/texmf directory doesn't exist.
-The directory for ucthesisLyx folder can be created by entering the following command at terminal
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex
I want to use text from papers that I have written using Microsoft Word. How can I import this?
-Download a program (such as rtf2latex2e) that will convert your Microsoft Word documents to LaTeX.
-Open LyX and select "File" > "Import" > "LaTeX (plain)..." and select the convert .tex file.
-Selections from this converted document can then be copied into your thesis.
The PDF generated by LyX is very large.
-The PDF size can be reduced by using the Adobe Acrobat PDF Optimizer.
-Instructions are available here: Reducing PDF File Size
I want the citations to appear as [Author Name, Date] format.
-Examples of the various styles available can be downloaded here.
-For this example, the apalike format will display the citations as [Author Last Name, Year].
-To use this formatting style, select the "Document Class" tab from the "Document" > "Settings" menu and change the LyXBibliographyStyle=UCThesisBibStyle to LyXBibliographyStyle=amalike and select OK to save the changes.
-Save the document, restart LyX, and your thesis will now use the "[Author Name, Date]" citation format.
How do I change the citations format to Author Name [Date]
-This style of citation uses the natbib package. A reference of the options available in this package be downloaded here.
-To use the "Author Name [Year]" citation style select the "Bibliography" tab from the "Document" > "Settings" menu and select the "Natbib" option and "Author-year" style.
-Under the "Document Class" tab also in the "Document" > "Settings" menu set LyXBibliographyStyle in the "Class options" to LyXBibliographyStyle=plainnat and select OK to save the changes. Save the document, restart LyX, and your thesis will now use the "Author [Year]" citation format.
How to add Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters to the document.
-The CJK package allows for encodings and character sets of Asian scripts.
-Directions on how to use this package and an example LyX file is available here.
Insert Matlab code with proper formatting.
-The M-code LaTeX package will format Matlab code to be included in the thesis. This package can be downloaded from the Matlab site here.
-Directions on how to use this package and an example LyX file is available here.
Create tables suitable for publication in scientific books and journals.
-The booktabs LaTeX package creates formal tables suitable for use in a thesis.
-Directions on how to use this package and an example LyX file is available here.
How do I change the position of the page numbers.
-Check the formatting guidelines of your institution before changing the position of the page numbers.
-The location of the page numbers can be changed by modifying the ucthesisLyx.cls file. Instructions are available here.
How do I change the size of the margins.
-Check the formatting guidelines of your institution before changing the position of the page numbers.
-The margins can be changed by modifying the uct10Lyx.clo, uct11Lyx.clo, or uct12Lyx.clo file, depending on which font size you are using (if you are using the default (font size 12) edit uct12Lyx.clo). Instructions are available here.

Help Have a question? Email me at email


Example Dissertations

The following dissertations have been made using UC Thesis for LyX.

2012 Spring
Jeremy O’Brien
Non-covalent Interactions in the Gas Phase: Infrared Spectroscopy and
Nanocalorimetry of Ion-Biomolecule Complexes
2011 Fall
Brett Isselhardt
Quantifying Uranium Isotope Ratios Using Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry: The Influence of Laser Parameters on Relative Ionization Probability
2010 Fall
Kurt Terrani
Incorporation of Hydride Nuclear Fuels in Commercial Light Water Reactors

Additonal examples would be appreciated. If you have used this layout for your thesis please email me a copy so I can add it to the list. Thanks!





(c) jdreyer 2016